Telecab & Telecab 17


Space-saving through-the-floor accessibility lift, built on the same drive system as the popular and robust Savaria V-1504 wheelchair lift, the Telecab has solid lower panels and acrylic upper panels in clear or bronze. It is available as same-side in-out or as a pass-thru lift. Continuous pressure operation.

Key Features

Weight Capacity: 500 lbs.

Footprint: 36” x 60.5” minimum

Maximum Travel:  2 stops, 23’

Minimum Overhead required: 96”

Speed: 20 fpm

Telecab Options
Manufacturer Warranty

Telecab 17

The Telecab 17 has stylish modern cab with full height acrylic panels and one-door access. It is available as same-side in-out or as a pass-thru lift. Comes with keyless or keyed access on car and call stations. Continuous pressure operation.

Key Features

Weight Capacity: 845 lbs.

Footprint: 36” x 60.5” minimum

Maximum Travel:  2 stops, 23’

Minimum Overhead required: 96"

Speed: 20 fpm

Safety Features: interior lighting, emergency stop and alarm buttons, battery lowering in case of power failure as well as manual emergency lowering, telephone, non-skid platform, underpan sensor to stop the unit if it meets an obstruction, pressure relief valve to prevent platform overload, door interlock, and slack chain safety device

Telecab 17 Options
Manufacturer Warranty